{ He Was Faithful } words to an aching heart.


An unexpected note in my inbox.

From Clarita– a dear friend, living hundreds of miles and a few states away.

Words full of love, truth and life.

Reminders that life isn’t easy.

There are scars, hurts & unanswered questions.

It’s not about perfection or happily-ever-afters or dream-come-trues.

It’s about something greater.

It’s about

{ K I N G  J E S U S } 

He never leaves.

He never forsakes.

He never gives up.

He is Sure as the dawn.

He is Constant.

He is True.

He is Good.

He is the Answer.

Even in the things we can’t explain.

Even in the disappointment and shattered dreams.

In every situation and season.

He is

{ U N C H A N G I N G }

He is

{ F A I T H F U L }

I can

{ T R U S T }

His Loving Heart.

** My friend Clarita wrote me this note over a year ago, during a very difficult season in my life. These words of truth are forever impressed upon my heart. It still rings true, though seasons have come and gone. This message remains the same. I can trust Him. He’s faithful. **

Much Love,


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